No products in the basket.
We are connected to local businesses and local people, who support our work and donate us waste materials we need.
Thank you all!
Currently we collect
Advertising Flags
promotional and advertising flags and banners
Advertising Flags
promotional and advertising flags and banners
Currently we have enough, thank you.
vintage belts from old trausers or bags
vintage belts from old trausers or bags
Currently we collect
Car seat belts
more resentful then cars themselves
Car seat belts
more resentful then cars themselves
Currently we have enough, thank you.
old note books and books, paper posters, maps...
old note books and books, paper posters, maps...
Currently we have enough, thank you.
Plush toys
Izbrane in oprane stare plišaste igrače.
Selected and washed old plush toys.
Plush toys
Izbrane in oprane stare plišaste igrače.
Selected and washed old plush toys.
Currently we collect
Name tag ribbons, and various textile ribbons.
Name tag ribbons, and various textile ribbons.
Currently we have enough, thank you.
diferent kinds of seeds for planting
diferent kinds of seeds for planting
Currently we have enough, thank you.
industrial waste or home excesses
industrial waste or home excesses
Currently we collect
elastic fantastic grandpas suspenders
elastic fantastic grandpas suspenders
Currently we have enough, thank you.
Threads and Twines
wool, cotton and synthetic threads and twines
Threads and Twines
wool, cotton and synthetic threads and twines